When You Support South Carolina Citizens for Life, You Support Pro-Life Education

Dear Friends of Life, The South Carolina Citizens for Life staff and Board of Directors are thankful to be a part of a matching gift opportunity that will be used towards pro-life education and development in South Carolina. The funds we raise will be used to match every dollar we raise through Midlands Gives on May 7. Sending bright, passionate pro-life individuals to the National Right to Life Academy to gain experience in Washington, D.C., is a life-changing educational opportunity. It is a superlative addition to the resumé of anyone seeking a career in government, education, law, medicine, journalism – in other words, any profession. Closer to home, your matching gifts for the Midlands Gives campaign allow South Carolina Citizens for Life to offer paid internships in our Columbia, S.C., office. Here we offer real-world experience working in the pro-life movement to learn how to be authentic and effective in the post-Roe world. Our interns earn a salary, a resumé-worthy experience, and they may earn college credits. Friends, we have a good start on our matching gifts thanks to two generous donors, but we have not yet reached our goal of $30,000 in matching gifts. Why do we need matching gifts? Because we know that like-minded people willing to support us financially are more likely to give when their contribution will be matched. Matching gifts show that generous philanthropists support our life-saving work, and it encourages new donors! This is a historic time at South Carolina Citizens for Life. That is why we are asking you to donate to our $30,000 “Midlands Gives” Matching Gift Campaign. We have chosen to renew our colorful and baby-centered focus for our “Midlands Gives” campaign this year. Our marketing material will be education-focused on the development of the unborn, the intrinsic value of life and the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. And we need your support now until April 20th, to reach our Matching Gift goal. Any financial gift you can give – $500 or $25 or $50 – any amount helps to equip the next generation of pro-life leaders. Your support is about more than money. It is about the future of the pro-life movement in our state. It’s about the expansion of our voice, our speaking for the voiceless, and the acceleration of protection for the innocent, unborn baby humans in South Carolina. Along with that expansion of our voice, we need to grow and bring the next generation of South Carolinians alongside us for what lies before us today and tomorrow! Your matching gift will help us to: Advocate. If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our text alerts by texting the word SCLife to 50457 (SCLife is case-sensitive, please use capital S,C, L and lowercase i, f, e.) Get the word out. Please share our “Midlands Gives” posts and videos that will be featured on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, as well as the letters and emails that we send out. Educate the next generation to carrying on our life-saving work. Please donate to our $30,000 “Midlands Gives” Matching Gift Campaign. Let’s put what God has blessed us with financially into action as we enter the new pro-life era, free to restore legal protection to the unborn members of our human family. Sincerely for Life, Lisa Van Riper President South Carolina Citizens for Life
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