
South Carolina Citizens for Life is South Carolina’s largest single issue, right-to-life non-profit organization.

What We Believe


Abortion is a complex issue with significant social and ethical implications. SCCL firmly believes in protecting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

We are committed to upholding the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We advocate for the protection of the most vulnerable members of our society and work to ensure that every life is valued and respected.


We believe in protecting the lives of all children, regardless of their abilities, and works tirelessly to advocate for legislation that safeguards their rights.

Stem Cells

We believe that ethical biotechnology must align with pro-life values. We advocate for responsible research and development practices that respect the sanctity of human life.

Stay Up To Date

We regularly publish news and updates with that latest legislative updates and news related to pro-life issues in South Carolina.

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