National Right to Life Endorses President Donald J. Trump in 2024 Presidential Race

National Right to Life, the federation of right-to-life affiliates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, over 3,000 local chapters, and millions of grassroots supporters, announced its endorsement of President Donald J. Trump in the 2024 presidential race. “National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. In his first term, President Trump demonstrated extraordinary leadership and delivered historic results on behalf of vulnerable unborn children and their mothers,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Thanks to President Trump, the American people and their elected representatives on the state and federal levels now have greater authority to determine abortion policy and pass meaningful protections for unborn children and their mothers.” Throughout his time in office, President Trump championed policies designed to safeguard the lives of both unborn children and their mothers from unlimited abortions. Along with a consistent majority of Americans, President Trump opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortions. In 2017, Trump issued a statement of support for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, a bill that would bar taxpayer funding for abortions on a government-wide basis with exceptions for when the life of the mother is at risk or in cases of rape, incest, or medical emergency. As one of his first actions as president in 2017, President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy to halt the flow of American tax dollars to organizations that perform or promote abortions overseas. He later expanded this policy as the “Protecting Life in Global Health Policy” to prevent $9 billion in foreign aid from being used to fund the global abortion industry. President Trump supports the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would ensure that an infant born alive during an abortion attempt is afforded the same degree of medical care as any other infant born at the same gestational age. President Trump opposes the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, also referred to as the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act,” an extreme bill pushed by Democrats that would enshrine unlimited abortion in federal law and policies and tear down virtually all protections for unborn children and their mothers on the state level including laws requiring parental involvement before an abortion is performed on a minor. President Trump is committed to filling judicial vacancies with qualified individuals who will interpret the Constitution based on its text and history, and otherwise leave policy questions in the hands of elected legislators. In contrast, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have employed a relentless, whole-of-government approach in their efforts to bring unlimited abortion to every state. In a second term, Biden and Harris have made it no secret that they plan to institute a radical, nationwide policy that will allow unlimited abortions for any reason until birth and use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, even as a means of birth control. “For years, President Trump has given a voice to many Americans who felt their concerns were not heard and their needs not met, including millions of Americans who want to see greater protections for unborn children and greater help for women and families facing unexpected pregnancies,” said Tobias. “We look forward to defeating the pro-abortion Biden-Harris ticket and working with President Trump to build an America that truly respects life at every stage.” A summary of President Trump’s record on the life issues is available here. A summary of President Biden’s record on the life issues is available here. Founded in 1968, the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of affiliates in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia and more than 3,000 local chapters, is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement, National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect innocent human life from abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.
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