From Track Star to Capitol Hill: Connor’s Unforgettable Glimpse Into Government

Hi All! My name is Connor Knight, and I am a rising senior student-athlete on the Long Island University-Brooklyn Track & Field Team. From June 25-30, 2024, I took a trip with South Carolina Citizens for Life to Washington, D.C. to shadow Congressman Joe Wilson, R-SC, and his staff for a day and to attend the National Right to Life Conference. Our journey began at the Longworth House which was the second of three office buildings constructed for the U.S. House of Representatives. This is where Congressman Wilson has had his office since he was elected in 2001, and he has refused to move to a larger senior office due to liking his view of the Capitol. Additionally, he also has a large number of photographs and other memorials that adorn the walls of his office. When we first arrived, the Congressman’s staff introduced us to his interns and then we were told the Congressman may not be in that day because of a medical procedure the previous day. His staff and interns spoke very highly of the Congressman’s character and how interning for him has been such a great experience. At 10:00 a.m., the interns took us down to the House Committee on Small Business where we got to listen in on an interesting session dealing with the federal government’s use of special software to censor people. After lunch, the interns took us on a tour of the Capitol Building. Upon returning to the office, we were able to meet Congressman Wilson. He took us to his next meeting which was with the Committee on Foreign Affairs. After the committee hearing was over, Congressman Wilson took us to the House session where several bills for amendments were being voted on. I would like to close out the first edition of my trip to D.C. by saying thank you to all the donors that made this trip possible. Getting to shadow one of our U.S. Congressmen and witness the House vote was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I am so privileged to have been a part of because of all your support. – Connor Knight Summer Student Participant
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