Democratic National Convention: The Ratified Party Platform Promotes Unlimited Abortion

The Democratic National Convention kicked off in Chicago today and delegates ratified the most pro-abortion party platform ever written. The following statement can be attributed to Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life: The Democratic Party’s Platform represents the most extreme policy positions of the party. Under a Harris-Walz Administration, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would expand the killing of preborn babies up until the moment of birth and use our tax dollars to pay for it. A Harris-Walz Administration would eliminate the Hyde Amendment which has saved over 2.5 million lives since it was enacted. A Harris-Walz Administration would also promote the deaths of preborn babies using chemical abortions without in-person doctor visits for women—endangering the lives of women. The Democratic Party’s fanatical support of unlimited abortion—anytime, anywhere, and for any reason—is absolute and fundamental to the party’s identity.
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