Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of South Carolina Citizens for Life

South Carolina Citizens for Life is celebrating our 50th Anniversary in 2024 with the annual Proudly Pro-Life Weekend scheduled for January 5-6, 2024. The inspiration for this very special milestone is the biblical concept of the Year of Jubilee – a time of consecration, proclamation, restoration, and liberty to be celebrated every 50 years. We invite you to sponsor this exciting life-saving event and the progress the pro-life movement is making in our state and our nation. Our scriptural theme from Deuteronomy 30:19, ‘Choose Life that you and your descendants may live,’ fits perfectly with the Jubilee theme of freedom and restoration. Since the Dobbs decision which overturned Roe v. Wade, our society has been given an opportunity to consecrate itself once again to the God-ordained sanctity of life; to liberate itself from the bondage of using abortion to solve its social and economic problems; and to restore those whose lives have been broken by the ravages of abortion: the child, the mother, society. Now is our chance to not only choose life, but also to help others choose life. This 50th Anniversary is our opportunity to proclaim this Year of Jubilee. In 1974, one year after the lethal Roe v. Wade decision had overturned all South Carolina’s own life-protecting laws, South Carolina Citizens for Life was incorporated by a small group committed to saving innocent unborn babies from legalized abortion. We did this by restoring the limited legal protections permitted under Roe – Parental Consent, Woman’s Right to Know, Abortion Clinic Regulations – while passing legislation that could possibly overturn Roe. As the network of pregnancy resources centers increased, South Carolina Citizens for Life expanded its work to protect the centers from governmental interference that could limit their first amendment rights to speech and religion. To this day the abortion industry is attempting to shut down pregnancy care centers. As faith and community groups engaged to address the horrific consequences of Roe, South Carolina Citizens for Life provided educational presentations and resources based on accurate science and law. The first March for Life was held in January of 1974, and the first Pro-Life Booth at the State Fair began in October of 1974! Yes, South Carolina Citizens for Life started small, embryonic if you will. But we grew. Our original mission never wavered: protect as many unborn children and their moms as possible until Roe v. Wade could be overturned. I must admit that I did not expect to live to see the day when South Carolina would be freed from the judicial shackles of Roe. But I did not grow weary.
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