SCCL Opposes James Smith

South Carolina Citizens for Life strongly opposes pro-abortion activist James Smith for a judgeship on the Circuit Court of South Carolina. We intend to score the vote. A vote for James Smith will be scored as an anti-life, pro-abortion vote. Here is a message from SCCL Board Member Wayne Cockfield, USMC Ret. of Florence, S.C., regarding James Smith’s reprehensible pro-abortion activism. James Smith is trying to downplay his radical pro-abortion voting record, and instead, tout himself as a combat veteran of Afghanistan. The truth is James Smith is an abortion extremist. He is endorsed by Planned Parenthood, the country’s biggest abortion business and seller of baby body parts for inhuman, cold-blooded experiments. James Smith supports savagely dismembering living unborn children who can feel pain. His radical pro-abortion voting record is a matter of public record on the South Carolina State House website. Abortion is a real war with a real body count — more than 65 million dead babies and counting since 1973. The war in Afghanistan is over. It is time to stop the war on unborn babies. It is time to stop the killing right here in South Carolina. Vote NO to stop the election of radical pro-abortion James Smith to the Circuit Court of South Carolina.
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