What We Do
South Carolina Citizens for Life is South Carolina’s largest single issue, right-to-life non-profit organization.
Protecting Life Together
South Carolina Citizens for Life, Inc., is a non-profit, single issue, right-to-life organization devoted to restoring legal protection to the unborn and to protecting innocent human life by eliminating abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia from our society.
Through the legal and peaceful means of education, legislation, and political action, we work to restore the right to life of the pre-born and to protect the lives of medically vulnerable individuals, including elderly, disabled, mentally ill, chronically ill, and terminally ill persons. Our membership is open to anyone who supports our purpose and mission regardless of race, creed, national origin, or political affiliation.

Our Work Includes

Educations Programs & Materials
We develop and maintain educational programs factually depicting the growth and development of the unborn child, issues of abortion, abortion alternatives and their related topics. We also provide educational materials such as films, books, slides, videos, pamphlets, etc., to interested schools, individuals, churches or organizations. These resources are age-appropriate for use in schools as well as adult programs for use by colleges, universities, churches, civic groups, etc.
Advocacy & Legislation
We support appropriate legislation which helps protect the basic right to life of all innocent human beings and develop grassroot networks of South Carolinians who advocate for right to life issues with their elected representatives.
Publishing The Latest News
We regularly publish alerts to provide current information on recent events related to the previously mentioned topics.
Resources for Unplanned Pregnancy
We provide information to the public and to women or families faced with an unplanned pregnancy about where they can go for help.
Stay Up To Date
We regularly publish news and updates with that latest legislative updates and news related to pro-life issues in South Carolina.