Midlands Gives – Join South Carolina Citizens for Life in the 18-hour online giving event

Dear , Today is the day! Midlands Gives, an 18-hour online giving event to help raise money and awareness for non-profits, is underway, and South Carolina Citizens for Life is participating! The event began at 6:00:01 and continues through 11:59:59pm tonight! You are invited to join the movement and help us reach our goal of $30,000! South Carolina Citizens for Life is a single-issue right-to-life organization devoted to restoring legal protection to the medically vulnerable members of our human family – the unborn, the frail elderly, the chronically sick, and persons with disabilities. We speak for the unborn who cannot speak for themselves. We work to end health care discrimination against those whose lives are devalued in our culture. Please consider a donation to this most worthy and noble of causes on this annual giving day and your donation will be DOUBLED as long as matching funds are still available. Your donation will enable South Carolina Citizens for Life to continue its life-saving mission of protecting South Carolina’s most vulnerable. Click HERE for our Midlands Gives donation page. Your generosity and monetary sacrifice are greatly appreciated and may God richly bless you. Sincerely, Lisa Van Riper President P.S. Your donation during the Midlands Gives event is a direct investment into the prolife community. I can’t wait to see the impact your donations have on South Carolina Citizens for Life this year.
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