About Us
South Carolina’s largest single issue, right-to-life organization
Through the legal and peaceful means of education, legislation, and political action, we work to restore the right to life of the pre-born and to protect the lives of medically vulnerable individuals, including elderly, disabled, mentally ill, chronically ill, and terminally ill persons.
Join us in helping create a culture of life in South Carolina

Our Impact
The impact we have made in our community
We have made a significant impact in our community through our non-profit organization. By providing services and support to those in need, we have created a positive change. Our efforts have helped to improve the lives of many and we are committed to continuing to make a difference.
Help us create a culture of life in SC
We carefully and strategically use our resources to change hearts, minds, and laws to create a culture of life in South Carolina.

Get Involved
Join our movement for change
Members and volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Members fund our lobbying efforts, educational programs, outreach, and essential office equipment. Becoming a member is simple: just make a donation to SC Life. Your gift will make a huge difference in our state, and make you a part of the fight for innocent unborn lives.
What We Believe
Our Partners